Dallas Tornado Tragedy
Tragedy struck the Lutheran community in Dallas, Texas but with your help we can raise money to help rebuild their community.
On Sunday, October 20 ten tornadoes hit Northern Texas. One of those many tornadoes hit Dallas Lutheran School and caused severe damage to their campus. The high winds ripped out three sections of the roof, in addition to damage to fencing, dugouts, backstops, three storage sheds, a garage, the press box/concession stand, the scoreboard, bleachers, filming tower, and soccer goals. Their athletic fields received the most damage. As a result, all of their sports teams must practice off campus, and it is estimated that it will take about $6.5 million to repair the damages. Though the school has insurance, the damage is too severe to cover it all.
Mrs. Harper, Faith Lutheran middle school principal, said, “Dallas Lutheran is very close to my heart.”
Mrs. Harper was once a part of the staff at Dallas Lutheran, and is adament about the school getting the help it needs. Dallas Lutheran is an important part of the big community of 1,950 Lutheran schools here in America.
Dallas Lutheran is hoping to rebuild their community but they need your help. An account in the finance office will be open to all donations, and students will also have the opportunity to donate during the next few chapels.
Mrs. Crowder explained, “On your way out of chapel there will be kids in student council holding orange buckets where you can place your donations.”
They will accept donations in the form of cash or checks.
Dallas Lutheran said, “We feel blessed no one was hurt and we appreciate your financial support on behalf of our students.”
Dallas Lutheran also has its own website where you can donate. If you are interested, visit http://www.dallaslutheranschool.com/support/gift.cfm

Mia is a freshman at Faith Lutheran. It is her fourth year at Faith. This is her first year as a part of the FLNN (Faith Lutheran News Network). She is...