Creative writing club: what happens next?

As school started up these past two weeks, scheduling has been a hot topic on the mind of students. Many students at Faith are looking to branch out and try new clubs.

One club in particular, has been in the works for years and has finally come to fruition last year under senior, Ally Coy. With the absence of Coy, this year, the club is undergoing some major changes.

The meetings included sharing writing pieces students had been working on while helping to edit and improve each other’s writing. Under new leadership, the club will continue to be community-centered. Two members from last year are working to create the same environment curated by Ally Coy, all while incorporating new techniques and their own personal changes into the club.

If interested in joining the Creative Writing Club, the first meeting is scheduled for October 2nd and any questions can be directed towards Mrs. Holland at [email protected].