Men’s lacrosse team gets down to business

Photo caption: Recently, the Lacrosse team has been wearing suits to school before big games.

On game day,  the halls are usually full of players wearing their game day jersey, but the mens lacrosse team seem prideful as they strut the halls in business attire.

“We wore the suits because our coaches told us that this year it was all about taking care of business and we thought that we would show that by dressing up in business attire,” said varsity lacrosse player Ian McFarlane.

Athletes from other sports teams have also talked about following the example set by the lacrosse team. “In my opinion, I think wearing business attire prior to a a big game is better than jerseys,” said junior football and track athlete Justin Chung.

The lacrosse coaches also support the team on their choice to wear business attire to school before important games. “I believe that they want to actually dress up for pride, respect and mentally prepare themselves to take this game on as if they are walking into the biggest business meeting of their life,” said head coach James Gravitt.

The season opener was March 10 where the team “got down to business” and beat Palo Verde 15-10.