Seniors walk out of Lip Sync competition
Moments after the final results, seniors react to the Class of 2018’s victory
After losing lip sync on October 17, the seniors left the gym with a look of disbelief, throwing what some would call a “pity party.”
In years past, the senior class usually wins the lip sync competition; however, this year’s lip sync had a different result. The seniors received second place and the juniors won first.
According to most, seniors expected a win, and after the announcers received the judges’ final decision of the winners, the seniors walked out of the gym in one huge group.
“We walked out because we felt like it was our last opportunity to show the school what we’re made of. We lost Powder Puff, and lost the lip sync by a matter of a few points. There’s no next year for us, that was our last chance,” said Zachary Anderson, Senior Class Vice-President.
Other seniors agree with Anderson, and claim that they walked out due to the shock of losing all of their senior events.
“The seniors walked out mostly in shock just because we thought we really had it this year,” said senior, Varsity Dance Team member, Margaret Deane. Siena Faselt, student council member, agrees with Deane, and said “I think that it was just shock, we thought when they announced it, it was over.”
Despite what may have caused the walkout, each senior felt one similar feeling, which was lip sync was the lost shot they had at winning, and they lost.
“Obviously, us walking out might have been perceived as disrespectful. I just think people have to understand how upset we were. The only way they can do that is by putting themselves in our situation,” said Anderson.
Senior, Emma Mallas, agreed with Anderson, and echoed what he said.
“I would like to say that we didn’t do it out of disrespect, but out of pride for our grade. We were proud of what we performed and we had a right to be upset about losing. We aren’t poor sports we are just fed up with losing no matter how hard we try,” said Mallas.
A number of seniors think that eventually the underclassmen will be ‘put into their shoes’ and understand how it feels to lose as a senior.
“The juniors will get it next year when this year’s sophomores beat them their senior year,” said Varsity Dance Team Captain and senior, Lexi Lee.
Faculty and administration were surprised by the reaction and attitude the seniors held about the results of the homecoming week events.
“I hope that they understand everything in life isn’t automatically given to you by maybe your age or your status, that in competition there are winners and there are losers, and you’re not always going to win,” said Mrs. Julie Buuck, Director of Student Life, “and I know it means a lot to them as seniors, to win these things and enjoy their year and use it as bragging rights, but if they stop for a moment and just think about how much bigger the battles of life are than this, it’s very insignificant.”
Buuck continued saying, “I feel like our students have so much, just the opportunity to get to come to this school, and when they put so much into losing something like this it just makes me think about people that struggle with a lot of other things, but having said that it was also refreshing to see that they care…about the whole idea of lip sync and the competition, so it’s kind of a bitter sweet type of thing.”

Shae is the current Editor-in-chief of the Crusader Chronicle and main anchor woman of the FLNN. Shae is in her sixth year of written journalism reporting...