Guaranteed to make you laugh
You may have heard of the long running mockumentary, previously on NBC, known as The Office. The show revolves around a dysfunctional workspace with main characters Michael Scott (Steve Carrell), Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer), and Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson.)
The plot of the show takes place in Scranton, PA and a documentary crew films the everyday lives of workers at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, which sometimes can lead to lots of drama and suspense. The show has many ups and downs, and lots of laughter and tears. “The Office” ran from 2005 to 2013, and there are nine seasons total in the show.
In season one, the show wasn’t very successful, but as season two emerged, the show quickly came a hit as it was nominated and won an Emmy award for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2006. In 2009, the show reached its peak as it snatched the 43rd post Super Bowl show, on February 1st; premiering with the episode: Stress Relief, coming in with a staggering 22.9 million views.
This show is absolutely hilarious, and it is probably the best show I have ever watched. There is no surprise the show has won so many awards. Every episode the cast members deliver, and the outcome of that results lots of laughter.
One of the highlights of the show has to be Jim and Pam’s relationship. In the beginning, the two are great friends, but other relationships come in the way of theirs. By the series finale, the two are happily married, with two kids despite all their challenges in the past.
Although the show was fantastic, there are a couple flaws to go along with it. The biggest flaw, in my opinion, was after main character Michael Scott left the show in Season 7. The show didn’t have the same charm to it, and some episodes just didn’t seem as funny as they used to be. Another flaw that is big would have to be all the new characters that come in from Season 8- Season 9, I say this because the producers of show attempted to replace all the classic characters from previous seasons and make new and more irritating ones.
If you are someone who enjoys laughing nonstop until your stomach hurts, I know this is the show for you; I fully believe you will fall in love with it, just like I did.
Sophia Rubino, sophomore, is in her fifth year at Faith, and her second year taking broadcast journalism. She enjoys spending time with her family, friends,...