The Marriott Hotel Review
Over the past weekend I went to San Diego for my brother’s basketball camp. But when we arrived to the hotel I was amazed. The hotel was a two story, three roomed, room. It surprised me when I went in the room because I didn’t know that the Marriott was that nice. Another thing the room was nice about was that each person in our family got their own, queen-sized bed. It was fantastic to have a bed to ourselves because in most rooms, there would only be two beds and we would have to share. Though there are many positive things about the hotel, there are some negatives about the two story room. The humidity in San Diego affected how we slept and the made the room smell a little queer. Another negative about the room was that they should’ve provide us a little water just incase we didn’t have any. Lastly, at the Marriott, when we went down for breakfast, the breakfast room was really crowded and we could hardly walk to our table. Overall, the hotel and the room was extraordinary and made the trip to San Diego a great experience. This hotel might have to be one of the best hotels I’ve ever stay at. This is the hotel my brother and I stayed at in San Diego.

Timothy Ng, sophomore, has been attending Faith Lutheran since 6th grade. He is looking forward to being apart of the broadcast journalism team for a...