How do international students ready their AP exams
AP exams are one of the biggest challenges juniors and seniors face in their high school career. With 30 different types of AP exams going on at Faith Lutheran, it takes two weeks to complete! AP students are taking the last steps in their preparation that will challenge and help them to prepare for college. Tests will take place May 2 through May 13 and because this week is the last week to study for the exams most of the students are feeling pressure, especially the international students.
“I have four AP tests this year: AP Biology, AP US History, AP Art History, and AP European History. I am super nervous about the AP Art History because I started really late. And I feel really really stressed for the sudden increase on the review assignments,” said junior, Jiali Chen.
“I forgot the date of my AP Art. I feel a little bit panic since I haven’t finish my portfolio yet. AP does put a lot of pressure on me because this class is a little bit different than the other courses. Actually there is nothing that students can do or prepare it, other than being focus on your artworks,” said senior, Xu Chen.
“I feel stressed because we do not have much time left and we still have a lot of review work need to do in class,” said junior, Yier Zhu.
“Actually AP Music Theory gave me a lot of pressure in the middle of this semester, but I do not really have a feeling [about the AP test] it is fine for me,” said sophomore Xiaoyi Yuan.
However, AP courses require more work than regular high school courses because they can count as a college credit. Many students who take these challenging classes as a credit see the benefit in completing the course in high school rather than in college.
“I chose this obviously [because] it would look good to college, and it is also very nice to know something more than some other people,” said Jiali Chen.
“I chose AP Art simply just because I like art. Although it gives me a lot of pressure, I believe that I will feel accomplished after all,” said Xu Chen.
“I chose AP because I accomplished all the requirements for AP physics. I thought AP physics [would] be easier since I studied it in China, but… it is hard for me,” said Yier Zhu.
“The number one benefit is challenging yourself on test like that. It is not the score that’s so important, although score is nice, but [it can] really benefit you being able to take the exam,” said Faith Lutheran counselor, John Chilman.
“AP material first of all is college material. It prepares you for doing better in college. Their study shows students who take the AP class have the tendency to finish their college earlier. It does prepare you more for college because it would be structured more than high school class,” said Faith Lutheran counselor, Elaynne Washington.
Although most of the AP students feel really stressed and nervous about their AP tests, they have found their own way to review these challenging concepts. Most of them chose to study the old tests, buy practice books, or they ask their teachers for help.
“Keep pushing yourself and never stop challenging yourself are the best way,” said Xu Chen.
“Follow teachers is my first choice, because they know what is the main point,” said Xiaoyi Yuan.
“Read the textbook and try to understand every word. Nothing is better than knowing the content thoroughly,” said Jiali Chen.
“The best way is to do all the review that teacher has for you, also another thing I strongly stress student to do is get the preparation from College Board because they will give you some sample tests so you can see what the really test looks like,” said Washington.
AP not only helps students to improve their problem solving abilities, it also gives them confidence to face the academic challenges that students can expect in college. Although English is not the first language for international students, they still put their biggest diligences on the AP tests.
AP is hard but also is fun. Try to turn your panic into interest, then everything is fine for you. Nothing is impossible, just do it!

Ka Yan is a senior and an international student at Faith Lutheran. She is so excited about school life and challenging herself. She took Broadcast...