Off campus lunch privileges
Photo caption: “Port of Subs” is a popular spot for seniors to eat lunch at.
It’s 12:32 and within minutes hot lunch spots such as Jimmy John’s, Samurai Sam’s, Panda Express, and Rocco’s NY Pizza will be flooded with Faith Lutheran seniors. Off campus lunch is a privilege that seniors look forward to all throughout high school. With so many varying options nearby, seniors can have their choice of cuisine.
“My favorite place would be Samurai Sam’s because it’s really good. I also like Chipotle because it has lots of options to choose from,” said senior Tierney Tomburo.
“My favorite place to eat off campus lunch is Port of Subs because you can order in advances and get your sandwich really quick,” said senior Courtney Merrill.
Seniors love the idea of choosing where they can eat, but after months of paying for off campus lunch, eating out everyday can get very expensive. A salad and drink at Cafe Rio costs $10.49, $9 for a chicken rice bowl and drink at Samurai Sam’s, and at L&L Hawaiian Barbecue the BBQ mix combo plate and a drink is $10.50. Cheaper options include Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and Burger King, which offer items off the dollar menu and value meals.
“It is more expensive to eat off campus, but you don’t always have to eat off campus, you can bring your own lunch,” said Merrill.
Rocco’s offers a student special that is an affordable way to fill up during lunch. “The [Rocco’s student special] just can’t be beat! You get two slices of pizza and a soft drink. It is very cheap and affordable and it’s so good too,” said Emily Kirvin, talking about one of her favorite places to eat lunch.
After years of sitting in the school lunchroom, seniors get the option to go anywhere they want to eat. As underclassmen approach senior year, off campus lunch is one of the biggest senior privileges they look forward to.
“I’m excited that I won’t have to sit in the cafeteria anymore,” said junior Tayah Washington.
On a regular day, Faith gives underclassmen students 30 minutes to eat lunch, but seniors have an extra seven minutes given to them for driving time. These seven minutes come from their third block class. Although the students need the extra time to make it back to class on time, it does take time out of class that teachers feel should be strictly used for learning.
“It disrupts the flow of class and seniors felt entitled to be let go when it was a privilege,” said teacher Mr. Cattau. Some teachers will keep seniors in class if the lesson is not finished, however then the students feel rushed during lunch and can end up speeding to get back to class without being tardy. Seniors are encouraged to only go to restaurants they know they can arrive back to fourth block on time.
Since before 1996, seniors have had the privilege of off campus lunch at Faith Lutheran. “Primarily, I think schools want to give students an ever increasing sense of freedom. Since many seniors are leaving for college the following year, providing more and more freedom (and thus responsibility) is a good thing, “ said Principal Scott Fogo. “In addition, I think it is good for students to look forward to their senior year. It is special. Giving seniors off-campus lunch is an awesome privilege to look forward to.”
As long as underclassmen respect this senior only privilege and the seniors can get back on campus in time for class, Faith Lutheran has all intentions of keeping the off campus lunch tradition!
Comment below and share your favorite restaurant to eat lunch at!

Jessica Schumacher, senior, is in her seventh year at Faith Lutheran, and in her third year of Broadcast Journalism. She is on the varsity swim team...