The fear of being unique
Photo caption: Students often critique their appearance, and inflict a negative outlook on their body.
Body image plays a key role in society these days. On the cover of magazines, viewers see men and women that have been photoshopped to look flawless. They have their blemishes edited away and their curves altered to make the perfect shape, but what viewers see just isn’t reality. Photoshop is just a tool that people use to alter societies perception of what beauty is.
“Society cares [about body image] because they have their fixed idea of perfection. Perfect skin, hair, weight, and so on. People are scared of being different and noticed for their flaws or what makes them unique,” said senior, Emily Kirvin.
Societie’s view of body image can also have a negative effect on how teens view themselves. According to Psychology Central, 80 percent of women in the United States are dissatisfied with their appearance. This is a problem because women should see themselves as perfectly imperfect. Everyone is going to have something different about them, but that is what sets him or her apart.
This also becomes a problem when it wears down a person’s self esteem and influences them to think about hurting themselves, and in extreme situations, committing suicide.
“People get bullied for their weight all the time. People also see themselves in such a negative light and see little value in themselves because of their appearance. Because girls are constantly comparing themselves to others, it is hard to be 100 percent comfortable and happy with yourself,” said Kirvin.
Thankfully, there is always something we can so to improve this. As a community, we can change the definition of perfect. Women should not seek to be skinnier or more beautiful because they are already beautiful just the way they are.
“The first step would be to accept all shapes… instead of pushing super skinny girls in their faces, we should tell them how to be healthy. I don’t think skinny should be the goal, but being healthy should,” said Brenna Rohnkohl.
“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you,” Song of Solomon 4:7.
No matter what shape or size you are and no matter what society deems as perfect; you are perfect in the eyes of God.

Jessica Schumacher, senior, is in her seventh year at Faith Lutheran, and in her third year of Broadcast Journalism. She is on the varsity swim team...