Least attended dance gains momentum

Sam Aizenberg gets asked to Sadies by a group of girls
Sadie Hawkins is just around the corner at Faith Lutheran, and students everywhere are scrambling to find dates. Sadies, according to Mrs. Buuck, is generally the least attended of all the three school dances. “It’s generally because its restricted by girls asking guys to the dance,” Mrs. Buuck said, “we only have 450 girls in high school, and most of the time, only half of that amount have the nerve to ask guys out to a dance.”
However, going with a date isn’t the only option. Students are more likely to go to with a group of friends to Sadies than the other two dances combined. But students still have mixed feeling with the idea of going with a group of friends. Senior Lexi Neuhauser explained why it is generally acceptable for girls to go with a group of friends, but not boys. “I think it’s normal for a group of girls to go together but not for a group of boy because girls usually cling to their friends more than guys do. For example, girls ask their friends to go everywhere with them while guys just go alone.”
Other seniors such as Sam Aizenberg, have embraced the idea of going with a group. “Sadie Oakley asked me to my very first Sadies dance! We are going with her lunch table because she had plans with them too.”
The theme of this year’s dance is an exciting one; “Its “Camp Sadies. So it’s all about camping, tents, and fire sides. Lots of flannel, stars and trees. I think it’s a good relaxing theme and an easy one to decorate for,” Mrs. Buuck said.
The dance is Februrary 20th. Purchase tickets before the price goes up on the 25th of January.