Seniors take Lip-Sync with the “Story book of our Lives”

Seniors celebrate their victory at Lip Sync 2015
This year at Faith Lutheran’s annual Lip-Sync competition, the senior’s “Story book of our lives,” themed presentation took first place. We went to Gabby Jackson, Student Body Secretary and Lip-Sync participant, to get more information on her last Lip Sync competition.
Q: The Seniors won Lip-sync how did you feel when they announced that the seniors won?
A: I was really excited and really proud because we had worked really hard, so it was just nice to see all of our hard work culminate in a win.
Q: Winning Senior year is something that most students wait for all of high school, but it isn’t an automatic win and the other classes were really good were you nervous about them beating you?
A: We were all definitely nervous. The freshman has so many people, the juniors, I wasn’t able to see all of it, but the part I did see was really good, and the sophomore story line was really cute. So I was really nervous because [seniors] stuck to the normal senior theme of the journey through high school.
Q: What set you apart and made you better than the other classes?
A: All of our dances were really clean. We had worked really hard on making sure that every dance move was right and we definitely worked hard on lip-syncing and I know other classes weren’t as strong in that part. I think us lip-syncing and having good dance moves and props all came together for a win.
Q: You’re a senior so this is your last lip sync, what are you going to miss most about Lip-sync.
A: I am going to miss most just being with my class. We spent so many hours together practicing, so it’s going to be sad that we’re not all going to be together every Sunday practicing.

Jessica Schumacher, senior, is in her seventh year at Faith Lutheran, and in her third year of Broadcast Journalism. She is on the varsity swim team...