Religious affiliation versus college preparation
Faith Lutheran has always taken pride in giving students a proper, Christian education. The extensive waiting list each school year proves that parents are willing to spend top dollar in order to give their children the best education at the largest Lutheran school in the United States. However, are these parents wasting their money or actually benefiting their children with a well-rounded theology based education?
In a recent poll, high school students were asked if they attend Faith for the religious affiliation, the college preparation, or for both of these reasons. Of those that participated in the survey, 55 percent of the students responded that they attend Faith for both the religious affiliation and the college preparation. 43 percent of the respondents stated they only attend Faith for the college preparation while 2 percent voted solely for the religious aspect.
With these results, it is clear that the students attending Faith Lutheran are grateful to receive a higher level of education compared to the local public schools. But, do these students feel that theology classes are just as important as other core classes required at Faith?
“I want to be prepared for college and still learn about God. This is so I know what to do in college, and remember the religion I am and the fact that God is always is with me and he protects me,” said Vittoria DiPalma, freshman.
“I’m glad we learned about the world religions because it’s good to have that kind of common knowledge even just for a day to day life,” said Faith alumni, Hannah Warner.
Although theology classes are a required part of curriculum, students are not required to actually have a religious affiliation. They are expected to, “engage in the material with an open mind,” stated Faith theology teacher Mr. Grepke.
“The whole purpose of theology classes and the primary purpose of this school is to share the Good News and to help students mature in their faith,” continued Grepke. “Without this, Faith Lutheran would never have been started as a school and would have no reason to continue.”
Being educated in theology classes is an essential for a true well-rounded education. Students are able to make their own decisions on religious affiliations in order to determine their own paths in life. But it is crucial that they are properly educated in order to be able to make the right decision.
It’s no secret that private schools cost parents a pretty penny. Thus, not all students receive the opportunity to learn more in depth about theology, the historical and sociological realities. Being a freely religious country, this system appears to be flawed. Religions should be taught openly in all schools. Religious beliefs are a personal choice that could potentially be easier to make with proper knowledge and resources.
By offering students a theology-based education combined with proper college preparation, Faith Lutheran sets itself apart from every other high school across the country.