Behind the scenes of Shrek
Cast and crew paint set storybook props for this weekend performance.
This weekend the Center for Performing Arts and Chapel, otherwise known as the CPAC will be transforming into a swamp for this spring’s musical, Shrek. Cast and crew members have be preparing for months for this performance and even more recent, they are loading in the set and props.
A Giant dragon, a life size horse and hundreds of storybooks are being prepared by crew members, along with many colorfully magical storybook looking props. Enormous set pieces have taken hours upon hours of tedious work to get each one looking just right. “The rigors of putting on a musical are very subjective and every production has it’s challenges, but I’d be a poor director if I didn’t have a Plan B tucked around every corner,” said director Mr. Erik Ball.
At least a handful of parents were on scene, one in particular, Anthony Apalategui puts in countless hours after work. “I have to do this in my spare time, it gets kind of stressful towards opening night,” says Apaletgui. He volunteers his labor to work alongside of his daughter Aimee who is playing the Shoemaker’s Elf. ” I love working with everyone in the play, they are like family, but my dad that is just such an experience that we get to share something that not everyone gets to do,” said Aimee Apalategui.
Volunteers are not limited to performers and crew, school counselor Mrs. Courtney Burns and her children made it a tradition to work backstage after last years musical Legally Blonde. “My kids and I love the Faith Lutheran Theatre department and have so much fun being around great students” said Burns, “we are especially excited for Shrek and we were so happy to be a part of behind the scenes preparation.”
Opening night brings worlds together describes Mr. Ball “We will be using professional prosthetics for the Shrek make-up. We will also be welcoming a 23-foot long puppet to the stage. That certainly has never happened at Faith.”
Shrek will have six performances May 2-4 and May 9-11. Tickets are available at