Dress Code Delirium
With the winter months and cold weather approaching, dress code seems to be more of an issue for students here at Faith. From non- approved pants to boys with facial hair, students can be dress coded for their unapproved outerwear… or not.
Although most students follow the dress code, students share their point of view on whether or not people follow the dress code. “I think that most of the time the average student follows the dress code but also I feel like students bend the policy in many ways,” says sophomore Hannah Riley, “girls especially bend the dress code policy I feel because we want to be cozy and not have to wear dickies.”
However, several students admit to wearing non-approved Faith clothing items. To protect students’ anonymity and their rights at this institution, we have kept their names anonymous for this segment of the story. “I am pretty sure I have gotten away with wearing yoga pants once or twice,” says an anonymous girl. Especially in the winter, girls seem to try and get away with wearing yoga pants as opposed to school pants. “Wearing pants with the outside pockets or pants without pockets in general are the biggest dress code issue,” said Mr. Bowline, Dean of Students.
Girls are not only prominent when it comes to dress code, boys can get dress coded for a number of things as well. Although boys won’t be (at least we hope not) wearing yoga pants, boys still wear pants that are not dickies. “I will admit to wearing unapproved pants to school because the issued school pants don’t fit very well,” says a student. Authorities admit boys are also known to get dress coded for having facial hair, which is in fact against the dress code.
Some teachers are more notorious for dress coding students than others, and the students are aware of that. “I think students wear non- Faith clothing items depending on what teacher they have,” says an anonymous student. “I take the dress code seriously. I think if we are going to the trouble of having a dress code, it should be adhered to and enforced,” says Ms. Fontana. Although teachers just want to teach and not have to worry about what students wear, most teachers try and enforce the dress code in their classroom.
Rumor has it, when students return from Christmas Break teachers will be enforcing dress code even more seriously than before. It you have any questions about what to wear or what not to wear at school, you can check out the student handbook on the Faith Lutheran Website at faithlutheranlv.org.