Black Friday: Is it Worth it?
With Christmas just around the corner, people everywhere are looking for great deals on Christmas gifts. Black Friday is, “a day that helps shoppers get the sales [they] want for Christmas gifts,” said sophomore Caroline Fortino.
Black Friday is an annual event that has been occurring on the Friday after Thanksgiving since the 19th century. It is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Some shoppers will stay up at all hours of the night to get these great deals.
Although some shoppers are willing to lose sleep, junior Sam Chiascione believes most of the deals are not worth it. “They are all hype to get the shoppers into the store.” Many of the stores that participate in the Black Friday madness only mark down a few items. The goal is to entice buyers into their store in hopes that they buy other full priced items, because not everything in the store is marked down. “Only some of the sales are worth it,” said Chiascione.
This year, many large retail stores are opening on Thanksgiving day instead of waiting to open on Friday. This concept of opening early is defeating to purpose of shopping on Black Friday and giving thanks on Thanksgiving. It also is not fair to the workers because they “should be able to be with their families [on Thanksgiving]. It is one thing if you have your choice to shop, but the workers don’t have a choice- they have to be there,” said Miss Meyer.
Another reason people do not think Black Friday shopping is worth it is because of the loud and obnoxious crowds. “Black Friday shopping is out for me,” said Mr. Rolfsmeier, “because I don’t like crowds or people.” Many of the students agree with Sophia Longi that Black Friday “is too crazy!”
So whether you decide to stay in and spend time with family or go out and get those holiday deals, have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Jessica Schumacher, senior, is in her seventh year at Faith Lutheran, and in her third year of Broadcast Journalism. She is on the varsity swim team...