Community mourns the loss of one of our own
Closing chapel, Donavyn holds the special cross given to all seniors as they leave Faith Lutheran.
At 6:45 p.m. May 19, 2023 Faith Lutheran received an email from principal Kat Stokes stating that Faith Lutheran senior Donavyn Propst was involved in a traffic accident and did not survive his injuries.
Details have not yet been reported, however many beloved friends and coaches of Donavyn are posting on social media, including Donavyn’s sister and Faith Alum Hannah Propst. In her post, “Yesterday I held my brothers hand as he passed away. I was so excited to watch him graduate next week and move him into his dorm at ASU in August.”
The counseling department is available at Faith Lutheran this weekend in the library to provide love and support to anyone who would like to come and talk. Crusader Chronicle will keep you posted on developments, vigil and or services for Donavyn.

Camryn Caruso is a senior student at Faith Lutheran High School. During her free time, Cam likes to get involved with Red Cross club, writing for the Crusader...