Faith Lutheran CEO Comments on Recent Allegations
In the wake of recent news surrounding allegations against former Faith Lutheran middle school teacher, David Pendley, the editorial staff of the Crusader Chronicle interviewed CEO Dr. Steven Buuck. Dr. Buuck made the following statement:
“Faith Lutheran takes every allegation seriously, and we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for our students. We will continue to cooperate with this investigation and provide support to our former student.”
The school and the Crusader Chronicle encourages anyone curious about further details or the victim’s identity to respect the privacy of those involved and not speculate. The investigation is ongoing and while many parties are talking about this, anyone with legitimate concerns should directly speak to Dr. Buuck.
Faith Lutheran, like other schools, strives to protect its students from inappropriate sexual relations with teachers, volunteers, administrators, and other school-employed persons with whom students may come in contact. In Nevada, the “legal age of consent” has no relevance as NRS 201.540 criminalizes persons 21 or older in a position of authority at a school to engage in sexual conduct with pupils.
Any concerns about student safety or well-being can be sent anonymously to SafeVoice. A team is prepared to respond 24 hours a day, every day. The link to submit a report to SafeVoice can be found on the Faith Lutheran website at or on the student and parent resource boards in Crusader Connect.
The counseling department is also available if any student is struggling with this news. To talk to a counselor, email Mrs. Burns at [email protected]. Any counselor would be happy to converse with any concerns.
Please consider praying for strength, comfort, and peace for everyone involved or affected by this situation.

Camryn Caruso is a senior student at Faith Lutheran High School. During her free time, Cam likes to get involved with Red Cross club, writing for the Crusader...