Worshipping Weekly With Mr. Klenz
Does it feel like chapel has been stronger than ever this year? Could it be the new Applied Christianity teacher Mr. Alex Klenz? Mr. Klenz is going into his 6th year of teaching at Faith, and this is the first time he has ever taken up the job to be the gold day Applied teacher. Since Mr. Klenz became a Spanish teacher, he wanted to teach Applied. He believes it is an important class for shepherding new leaders in a Christian environment. He believes it is good to see what goes into making a chapel service happen and has a better appreciation for what goes into making a meaningful chapel.
Chapel is a vital aspect of Faith Lutheran, where the student body gathers together to worship the Lord. Both Applied classes work continually harder to improve chapel each week. After coming back from not being able to gather together because of COVID-19, Mr. Klenz says he does feel like,
“It’s tougher, but not out of a place of negativity, but out of a place of excited anticipation. People are excited that things feel like they are going back to normal and because of that excitement, we are just jumping in with 2 feet. No one is waning slowly into the water because we know we can do it.”
He also said that the expectation for chapel this year is high, not only for the Applied classes but for the praise band and message speakers. Lots of people missed what chapel was before the pandemic disrupted it and are excited about our chance to get back what chapel was.
Chapel for the gold day class has been about improvement and making chapel meaningful for students and teachers. Each week gold day chapel receives feedback on their service. Mr. Klenz says that “good feedback has been given to the gold day Applied class; while not all of it is positive, it is constructive to help better chapel each week.”
“People have lots of opinions. People care a lot about chapel and for good reasons they wanna make sure it’s theologically sound, that it’s reaching the students, and that it feels organized.”
Chapel continues to improve each week as input from the student body and teachers helps create a better understanding of why chapel is important and the amount of work that is put in each week.
As chapel continues to be an important part of what makes Faith Lutheran’s community strong, Mr. Klenz also continues to plan to bring in new students and create an astounding school culture through chapel.

Ashlee Baker is a senior at Faith Lutheran High School. During her free time, Ashlee likes to play lacrosse, volunteer at church with the A/V team, and...