Dancing Through Her Senior Year!
As a high school student, there are so many different chances to show what you add to your school. One way Faith Lutheran senior Megan Riffel shows her greatness is through the act of dancing. Megan has been of significant importance to the Faith Lutheran dance team this year more than ever. As a senior, Megan is a dance team captain. She shares this title with the three other seniors on the team.
What makes Megan stand out is that she finds ways to divide her time among her many activities, such as work, the STEM program, math tutoring, honors classes, dance classes, and going above and beyond on her school assignments. Being a part of so many activities can be challenging, but it makes Megan who she is. Ever since Megan was in elementary school, she has had a daring personality. This daring personality could be seen in her gymnastics. Growing up, she excelled in her gymnastics and later tried trampoline. Through these activities, she gained the skills needed to make an exceptional dancer. While on the Dance Team, she performed at school pep rallies, the yearly lip sync battle, and dance competitions and kept fans entertained during every single high school football halftime.
If one were to look at the many accomplishments of Megan’s life so far, they would see the dedication she has to each and everything she does. When Megan applies herself to something, she goes the extra mile to make sure it is done with perfection. This perfection shines while she dances in the Faith Lutheran dance team uniform. Since it is her last year in this uniform, she was honored during the Faith Lutheran senior night! This tradition is held every year to spotlight the seniors of the dance and football teams. Megan was seen walking onto the football field with her mom and dad. “I never imagined the day would come so soon when my daughter would have the senior spotlight,” said her mom.
Some of Megan’s friends also found it hard to believe this was one of their last opportunities to see their friend perform at a football game. “I found myself starting to tear up at the idea of it,” mentioned Kyla Bell. When asked how she feels, Megan explained it as “ a surreal feeling because I have watched my previous captains graduate, and now I am the senior captain graduating.”
Megan has been occupied with college tours, completing applications, and preparing her final dance team performances. “It’s exciting going to college next year but simultaneously sad to leave dance team. For the past four years the girls have acted as a second family to me.” When asked what she would like her dance teammates to know, she replied, “ I am grateful for the senior night because I felt so loved by the entire team.” Until Megan’s final bow, her family and friends will continue to cheer her on this season!

Sophia is a member of the Film and Broadcast Academy. She is a Senior this year and is very excited about what this School year brings. This is Sophia's...
Suzanne Riffel • Oct 18, 2022 at 11:47 am
What a beautifully written tribute to Megan. Thank you for this amazing article and remembrance of her high school years!!!