Safety Tips on Halloween
Halloween is the people of Las Vegas’ favorite holidays. From pumpkin patches, to haunted houses, to various activities on the Strip, in past years Halloween has kept everyone quite busy.
Due to Covid, Last Halloween, festivities were discouraged. If you may remember, parties and gatherings were limited to a certain number of guests. So, people were getting crafty in keeping trick or treating safe. This year, celebrating Halloween and staying safe is entirely possible if one takes the right safety precautions. First, making sure that everyone who is eligible, gets vaccinated, to keep themselves and others safe. The CDC has recently authorized vaccines for children ages 12 and up.
Next, avoid direct contact with other trick or treaters, keep your distance from other groups of families. Also, a necessary safety precaution to take is to set up a station with individually bagged treats for kids to take from front porches instead of handing them candy. Lastly, have your party wear a mask to provide an extra layer of safety.
If you are a Vegas local and looking for activities for the spooky season Circus Circus is the place for you. During the Halloween season Circus Circus, located at 2880 S Las Vegas Blvd, provides a haunted maze called Fright Dome. Fright Dome will give you a good thrill with clowns eager to scare you.
Looking for the perfect pumpkin patch? Halloween Town might be the place for you. With three different locations in Boca Park located at 510 South Rampart. A second location on Las Vegas BLVD & Silverado Ranch 9748 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Even a location in the Southwest, Rainbow & Warm Springs 7455 S. Rainbow Blvd.
Halloween is such a fun holiday for all ages. Make sure to stay safe this year and keep everyone’s best interest at heart!

Jordan is a senior at Faith Lutheran and is involved in many circulators such as the Green Thumb club, which shows her interest in botany, and the Red...