Let the Graduation Festivities Commence
Congratulations to the Class of 2021. This year has been filled with challenges but, in true Crusader fashion, the Faith Family stuck together. With Christ’s help, we overcame and made it to the end of the year! To make this year even more memorable, graduating seniors will go out in style with their graduation ceremony being held at Allegiant Stadium, home of the Las Vegas Raiders!
This year, Graduation Practice and Baccalaureate Service will both be held on Thursday, May 20 at Central Christian Church located at 1001 New Beginnings Drive, Henderson, NV 89011. Graduation Practice is mandatory and students should arrive at Central Christian Church by 4:15 pm on Thursday, May 20th.
The Baccalaureate Service is also mandatory for all graduates and will be held at 6:30 pm following Graduation Practice. Graduates will receive six tickets each but guests should be limited to immediate family members and grandparents. Seating for guests is first, come first served as reserved seating is only for faculty, students, and a few special guests. Doors will open at 6:00 pm for guests.
The theme for the night will follow the verse chosen by officers of the Class of 2021: “Live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
This year, the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2021 will be held Friday, May 21, beginning at 6:30 pm at Allegiant Stadium. The Stadium is located at 3333 Al Davis Way, Las Vegas, NV 89118. Graduates must arrive at Allegiant Stadium by 5:30 pm dressed and groomed according to standards provided. This is a ticketed event with assigned seating. Per the stadium’s officials, each Faith Lutheran graduate may have up to ten guests, for which tickets will have been distributed.
Once again, congrats to the Graduates! You are coming out of this difficult year stronger, smarter, and more resourceful. We wish you all the best. And wherever you go this coming year and in the near future, remember to let your light shine. Go Crusaders!

Immanuel Neeley is a member of the Film & Broadcast Academy and a senior at Faith Lutheran High School. This will be his fourth year in broadcasting....