Service Hours Still Required

This year service hour requirements were cut in half, but are still necessary to complete.

This school year has been a difficult one to get out and serve the community,  but now that we are all equipped with masks, social distancing and hand sanitizing practices, there are no more excuses. Students still have to get their service hours done.

“We are requiring a minimum of 10 hours this year” said Mr. Bowline

Before 2020, Faith Lutheran required 20 hours of community service. Faith students might think it is boring and annoying to “waste” your weekend. But it is really important that we help each other, as God said; “bear one another’s burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2.

We need each other, the community needs YOU.  Serving others is a way to try new things, grow your knowledge and gain a perspective outside of yourself.  There are three simple ways you can find opportunities for service hours.

“You can find opportunities through Community Connect, the daily announcements, and emails that are sent out” stated Mr. Bowline. Community Connect is found on the resource board in Crusader Connect, and is where all hours are submitted this year.

You might not know who to help, but Faith has anticipated this problem. You can easily find opportunities for service hours through the daily announcements in your email and using Community Connect to make it easier to log in your service hours. There are so many different people that need help with so many different things, so you will easily find something that you are good at and will be able to help them. Everything counts, as simple as if your neighbor needs help mowing the grass, go for it. Every little action you are able to do will help considerably.

Remember that service hours are no longer needed to be filed out by paper. Use the website:, and it is really easy to log in your hours.

If you have any problem or don’t know how to use the website, go directly to the resources page on Crusader Connect, and a tutorial will be there for you. Faith Lutheran is trying to keep everyone safe so please respect social distancing of 6-feet and wear your mask. Get out in the community and serve.